Southern Cross Bush Regen is a full environmental management specialist with experience in a diverse range of projects. Our work within urban bushland and ecologically significant areas uses a variety of methods in natural area regeneration and revegetation.
Southern Cross Bush Regen are experienced and qualified professionals to undertake a range of regeneration strategies to assist with a diverse range of projects. Our extensive work in plant identification and weed control techniques are managed on-site by qualified, licensed supervisors.
Regeneration operations include:
Removal of threats (predominantly invasive weeds) to increase the local biodiversity
Work with landowners that manage disturbed or modified bushland areas
Work in conjunction with Regional Councils that actively manage natural areas for nature conservation including bushland, dunes and wetlands
Recovering sensitive and threatened habitats
Monitoring, mapping and site progress reporting
Cost effective and practical range of chemical and non-chemical weed control methods
Contaminated land remediation

Once weeds are removed or reduced, native species can recolonise the areas naturally or we spread native seed or replant seedlings to help re-establish native habitats.
Southern Cross Bush Regen can assist in both large and small-scale revegetation projects.
Revegetation services include:
Preventing and stabilising erosion
Revegetation methods to improve species diversity and habitat for animals
Revegetation to achieve rapid site rehabilitation
Long Stem planting for flood prone waterways and exposed sites
Revegetation methods for areas where on going maintenance is difficult e.g. dense bushland and forest areas
Site maintenance work post planting. This often involves watering, weed control, slashing and attending to plant health

Development of land management plans follows a strict process involving guidlines from Local, State and Federal government agencies, the public and other stakeholders.
Land management planning ensures that all land operations and related activities are carried out in ways that support the sustainable management of all environmental resources for generations to come.
Our aim is to provide a land management plan for every project that encompasses all aspects of the immediate and long term management of the site.
Development of customised approaches for ecological problems
Vegetation management plans
Flora & Fauna surveys
Compliance with government and council regulations
Landcare for community groups